We recently welcomed five new students to our ‘Good laboratory practice’ workshop, which is part of the Higher Degree Research (HDR) training in MBCRC’s Connect Educate Train program.

This interactive session explores all facets of conducting research , data management and intellectual property, and provides effective ‘How to’ guides that ensure students are always ready to report on their progress, even at short notice. 

In addition to a deeper understanding of the vital importance of laboratory notebooks and the link between high quality research, good laboratory practices and IP, the workshop improves students’ capacity for planning and conceptualising experimental designs and for effective project management.

The workshop is also a great way to begin to build a peer network and includes a fun dinner out in Adelaide. 

Feedback from the two days included:

Thank you so much for the knowledge and valuable information we got from you. The workshop was so helpful.
Cheng Yang

Very well put together and exactly what we needed!

 – Adele Mastroyannis

I also had a great time getting to know you and learned some valuable things to take with me for my studies. Thanks for the resources.
Micah Landon-Lane

It was a useful workshop for me. I hope I will attend the upcoming workshop also.
– Md Abu Zafar

This workshop will be repeated for new students commencing in MBCRC’s CET program. An online Intellectual Property workshop will also be held jointly with industry, research partners and students on 9 March 2023 – further information will be provided soon. 



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