Marine Bioproducts has three research programs which are linked.

At its simplest, our research team is dedicated to growing marine resources (Program 1), developing new processes that utilise those resources (Program 2) and finally creating new marine bioproducts that are market-ready (Program 3).

We have a fourth program called CET (‘Connect Educate Train’), which works across all three programs.  The CET program is designed to incubate new talent, put graduates into research programs and increase the pool of skills in this fledgling sector – skills that Australia will come to rely on. Visit this page for information about research opportunities.

At any one time we have a number of people working on these programs in laboratories and research centres across Australia and also overseas. The suite of research programs is overseen by our Research Director, Dr Mike Patane.

The MBCRC Research Strategy 2021-2026 Infographic outlines how Marine Bioproducts CRC will deliver high-quality, collaborative and industry-focused research outputs; our strategic research objectives; how research success will be measured; and seven key impacts on industry.

MBCRC Researcher Capability Map

The aim of this capability map is to help initiate discussions and identify project leaders/teams for future projects. It provides a list of researchers nationally, with information about their research skills and capabilities, and how they relate to the MBCRC.

    • Who are we?
    • Where are we?
    • What are our capabilities?
    • How can we help?

View the map here.

Program 1: Sustainable Marine Resources

Program 2: Innovative Bioprocessing Technologies

Program 3: Australian Marine Bioproducts

Program 4: Connect, Educate and Train (CET)