When: Wednesday 7 to Friday 9 August 2024
Where: Adelaide, SA

Please click here for the flyer.

Circular economy is helping redefine the seafood sector, creating what was once seen as ‘waste’ into valuable products and resources that are generating profit for fishing and aquaculture stakeholders across the globe.

Partnering with the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, KPMG and the Regional Circularity Cooperative are seeking the involvement of individuals and organisations that are motivated to address challenges within the fisheries value chain and realise new circular opportunities. Collaborative efforts will be key in developing sector-wide solutions and driving innovation within the fisheries sector.

This 2.5-day workshop will host representatives from the seafood
sector, including fisheries and aquaculture supply chain businesses and suppliers as priority participants. Government, industry associations, research institutes, and others motivated to transition the sector
towards a circular economy will also be welcomed based on capacity.

The objectives of this workshop are to:

  • Raise understanding of the value and opportunities of circular economy within the fisheries and aquaculture sector.
  • Develop skills and set foundations for circular strategies and designing for circular outcomes, understanding how to increase efficiency and turn your waste to value, learn about the frameworks to measure and communicate your impact and funding pathways from the private and public sector.
  • Develop circular economy roadmaps for your respective entity or in sectoral groups to drive environmental and commercial value.
  • Hear lessons learned on site visits with entities already implementing and scaling circular initiatives.

A bursary is available to go towards transportation and accommodation costs. It is limited and priority is given to small SMEs.

If you are interested in attending this workshop please contact Natalie Manahan, Program Manager – Fisheries & Aquaculture, Regional Circularity Co-operative
Ph.: 0404 778 220
Email: natalie.manahan@begacircularvalley.com.au

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