Manav Subbanna recently completed his Masters program at Flinders University with MBCRC Industry Partner Marinova. We caught up with Manav to hear more about what drew him to study in biotechnology and what he got out of the experience.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I am an international student from India who has always had a love for science. My family grows coffee and pepper for a living in India, and I was always surrounded by nature while growing up.

What inspired you to study Biotechnology – were marine natural products and their potential medicinal properties a factor in your decision?

My Bachelor of Science focused on chemistry, microbiology and biotechnology and I felt that the field of biotechnology was and still is, growing at a fascinating pace. The new innovations in the field are constantly changing the landscape of science.  My research on marine products and its effect was something I decided on towards the end of my first year of my Masters studies.

What drew you to your program/particular topic?

The Masters of Biotechnology course at Flinders was an interesting experience. I had heard from different connections that it was a course which had a broad course of study and a 10-month research project which was beneficial for my Masters thesis.

How does being involved with Marine Bioproducts CRC help support your love of marine biotechnology?

The MBCRC helps connect students with companies that specialise in marine biotechnology. I wanted to broaden my research and gain more experience, which is why I chose the project with the MBCRC and our industry partner. Marine biotechnology is a growing field, especially in Australia, with its large coast and abundant sea life. It’s also a field that is gaining more popularity, which is greatly beneficial to the local communities in coastal towns.

What are your future plans?

Since I have recently graduated, I want to gain some more real world experience and broaden my horizons. I plan to start my PhD in the next few years and gain greater qualifications to be able to further my career.

What does your dream job/position look like?

Sometime in the future after I have gained more knowledge, experience and qualifications, I want to run my own laboratory with a focus on cutting edge biotechnology. There’s always a need for further R & D, and biotechnological research directly impacts the quality of life of all people.

Find out more about Marine Bioproducts CRC’s PhD / Masters / Honours research top-up scholarships and other opportunities here: Students – Marine Bioproducts (

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